Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Why Blog?

I'm not sure honestly. I like the idea of having of running collection of my thoughts. A place where I can look back in a year and feel a sense of accomplishment. I also just want to write and get my comment "out there".

My goal is to maintain a blog that I would enjoy reading. And you can probably see by the links to the right, my goal is going to be difficult to obtain. I enjoy reading blogs by authors who have something to add. They bring things to my attention I wouldn't have noticed, and they all have unique perspectives. They are professors and journalists for the most part, and their blog is tied directly with their full-time jobs.

My perspective is that of a part-time Economics grad student, and a full-time accountant. So I don't have a lot of time for this blog, but I enjoy discussing economics, politics, current events, and interesting ideas. And if I'm lucky, maybe you'll enjoy reading this blog.


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