Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Intelligent Design, Again

There seems to be a very emotional war going on within Christianity right now between conservative Christians and everybody else. I fall in the everybody else side, and I came to an interesting conclusion. I believe in the premise behind what has come to be known as Intelligent Design.

What I have believed since a very long time ago was that God created the universe, the world, us. It so happened, I learned later that this was done through a process of evolution that continues even to this day. Learning about this did not shake my belief in God at all. I simply discounted some of the fanciful stories in the Old Testment. Coming from my version of Christianity (Methodist) this was easy to do. I do not believe that Noah built an boat that housed every species of animal in the world either.

ID goes one step beyond my belief system though. ID states that life forms such as ourselves are vastly too complex to have evolved from single cell organisms without the guildence of a higher being. Therefore, if it can somehow be proven that complex organisms can evolve from the building blocks of life then ID has been disproven. My own personal beliefs would still hold.

This harmony between religious beliefs and scientific discovery is discussed in Jimmy Carter's new book as well.


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